Friday, January 21, 2011

Day Twenty-Two: road trip to California. high or low expectations. travel goals.

Here's a question for you. I really want to know your answer. Which one of these is better:
Option A.) Having low expectations in order to avoid disappointment. Everything good that happens then feels like "extra" or "unexpected."
Option B.) Having high expectations // positive thinking, but sometimes you are let down by peple.

Seriously. I am definitely more of a "B" type person. I expect people to think the way I do... and when they don't, I'm disappointed. Maybe you're confused. For example, yesterday I was kind of grumpy because I didn't hear from a lot of people on my birthday that I would expect to hear from. I had these expectations that certain people would call me, but they didn't, and that made me upset. However, what if I just had low expectations, and then I would appreciate the people I did hear from? I don't think it works like that. And my question isn't really just about my birthday, but I've always wondered which is a better "outlook" to embrace.

Your thoughts?
Writing Challenge Day 21
I'm doing a 31 day writing challenge, found on the Reverb website, designed to reflect on the past year and look forward to what's to come in 2011.

Travel. How did you travel in 2010? How and/or where would you like to travel next year?

Small Trips:

-Weekends in Charlevoix
-Higgins Lake
-Tiger's Games in Detroit

Big trips:
-Wyoming: Jackson Hole, Grand Teton National Park backpacking trip
-Montana: Glacier National Park
-Canada: Yoho National Park, Waterton National Park, Jasper National Park, Colombia Icefields, Lake Louise, Morraine Lake, Emerald Lake, etc.

I literally had to go look at my photos saved on my computer, because I felt like I went to California and Pictured Rocks this past year... but that was the year before.

Realistically: -road trip to California. I NEED this. I want to make a list of places and travel around the U.S. and see them all. We were supposed to last summer, but plans fell through for a number of reasons, and it just didn't feel like the right timing. I feel SO much more strongly about going this summer. Please come with me. I don't want to go alone (: Some of these things on my "realistically" list will be places we could stop on the way out/back. Some of these are places I've already been to, but want to go back. Some are just completely random.
-San Fransisco.
-Death Valley.
-Grand Canyon.
-Denver (again)
-Nashville. (again)
-Seattle. (again)
-Portland. (again)
-Maine. (again)
-Disney Mediterranean Cruise. Right, family? We talked about this? It's an option for this summer. That, or other parts of Canada for hiking. I vote cruise this year.

Unrealistically (at least for now):-Italy.
-Austria during Christmas.
-New Zealand.
-Malta. Only because I dream about it a lot.
I mean, let's be honest. I love any form of traveling. I would not say no to a trip most places... but I especially love the history and architecture and beauty of Europe. I want to go back.

Sometimes, I just stare at maps of the world and think. A lot. About all the places there are in the world and how few of them so many people see in a lifetime. It's crazy that there are cultures with amazing traditions and awesome monuments and landscape and we only see most of them in PICTURES. Don't you just want to hop on a plane and go explore? Take a year off your life and backpack all through Europe? Fly to Miami for an extended weekend just for something different? Plan exotic trips and save your money to make them happen? I want to see how other people live. Learn their traditions. Participate in their culture. Take pictures. Maps fascinate me. I literally could sit for hours and read all the city names and imagine what those places look like, who lives there, and what it would be like to live there. And it really just makes me want to travel even more.


  1. Hey! I LOVE your question of the day. I also consider myself an "B" person, but I will admit there were times when I felt frustrated that other people didn't feel the way I do. For a while, I honestly considered giving up and becoming an "A" person, but then I really disliked myself for thinking that way. You can never control how other people think, and you shouldn't live your life making choices to get other people's approval. You know whose you are, and that is why you live. I know HE would want you to keep those high expectations, because that is what HE is all about - the ultimate goodness in love. I know I sound like I'm rambling, but I can not tell you how much I believe that we are supposed to live for greatness, and one day our faith will be rewarded. Yes, people will disappoint us, but that is because they, and we, are only human. You have been given the gift of knowing God, so honor Him by believing in the best of His people, and believing that those high expectations are worth it. Someday it will all make sense and your faith in such greatness will be recognized. Trust me, like I said, I almost gave up on being a positive person, but slowly, but surely, God has shown me He is faithful for those who continually believe in His greatness.
    I hope this helps answer your question :)
    MISS YOU!!
    -Krystina Smith

  2. "People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered. Love them anyway. If you do good, people may accuse you of selfish motives. Do good anyway. If you are successful, you may win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway. The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable. Be honest and transparent anyway. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway. People who really want help may attack you if you help them. Help them anyway. Give the world the best you have and you may get hurt. Give the world your best anyway."
    -- Mother Teresa

  3. I don't think that your expectations of people can (or should) be categorized as simply "high" or "low." It's a little more complex than A & B; not everything has to fall into the two opposite sides of a spectrum.

    No one's perfect. There are plenty of times that I've called a friend who has never called me back, and there are plenty of times that a friend has bailed on me when we made plans far in advance. But at the same time, I've also been on the opposite end; I, too, have neglected to call someone back and have bailed on plans.

    Most importantly, I think you have to appreciate the blessings you've been given & be accepting of people, regardless of their shortcomings. By accepting MY mistakes, I have learned to be more accepting of others. I mean, if you can give yourself slack when you forget to call someone on their birthday or bail on pre-existing plans, you can give others the same slack. And honestly, the most amazing people I have in my life ARE accepting of me, good & bad.
