Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day Twenty: 24. to-do lists. avoiding guitar, nice boys, and cleaning my purse.

Our dinner tonight is going to be lovely. Pasta with asparagus, artichoke, tomato, spinach, (maybe) eggplant... tossed in oil. And bread. I'm excited to hang out with some lovely ladies.

Today definitely does not feel like Wednesday, since we had yesterday off. I'm glad it is. I like Wednesdays. American Idol is on tonight. I'm trying to decide if it's worth watching this season.

My birthday is tomorrow. 24 is old. I'm not too excited.
That's a lie. I am excited to see my lovely GR friends on Friday, and to have a delicious catered dinner on Saturday with some co-workers. It will be a great weekend.

I'm still sick. Dislike.

Finally, this song is seriously the story of my year.
Not even just in one circumstance... but many, many circumstances this year. I know it's super sappy, and I'm not one for country-sounding songs, but I love the lyrics.

// i'm done thinking you would ever change...
i know my heart will never be the same,
but i'm telling myself i'll be okay.
even on my weakest days,
i get a little bit stronger //

Writing Challenge Day 20
I'm doing a 31 day writing challenge, found on the Reverb website, designed to reflect on the past year and look forward to what's to come in 2011.

Beyond Avoidance. What should you have done this year but didn’t because you were too scared, worried, unsure, busy or otherwise deterred from doing? (Bonus: Will you do it?) 

Wah. I feel like I've answered this in a different prompt.
I'm not a big avoider when it comes to getting things done. I'm a huge list-maker. I love to-do lists. Sometimes, I'll add things to to-do lists that I've already done, just so I can cross them off. Don't pretend like you haven't done that. I LOVE the feeling of getting to the end of a long list. It's something that I started in high school for time management. I definitely did it through college. I NEED to do it at work daily, because there are always so many little things to remember... such as:

-PLC's, faculty meetings, English lab/after school tutoring responsibilities, department meetings, parent meetings, days to stay after with students...
-"Miss, will you pre-transfer me to the library tomorrow? In the North?"
-"Miss, can you read this Creative Writing story by the end of the day and give me feedback?"
-"Can I get a copy of all my missing work?"
-Grading. Paperwork. Copies. Lesson plans.
Yea. To-do lists are necessary.

Things I do usually avoid:
-Updating my website. Creating new necklaces. Just lately... mostly because of time.
-Going to doctors. I've gotten over in the past week, since I've been to like 3 different doctors recently. I usually don't get sick!
-Nice boys. I don't mean to. I'm attracted to mean boys who are jerks. If you are a nice boy and I hang out with you, consider yourself lucky. (: It must mean I think you're pretty cool.
-Cleaning my room. I avoid this until Sundays, then I clean after church before I do any work or grading. It's a routine...ha.
-Grocery shopping, unless I can go with someone. I don't like going alone. I get bored.
-Sorting through things to get rid of. I have lots of stuff I don't need. I want to just donate it.
-Playing my guitar. BOO. I need someone nice to help me get better at bar chords. Barre chords. Whichever you prefer.
-Writing. Again, the time issue. If I had no job, I would write all the time. I'm proud of myself for doing this blog, even though sometimes I want to avoid it.
-Organizing purses/wallets. I caaaan't do it. I can never find stuff, but I dread having to clean out my teaching bag or clutch or purse. Maybe it's because I only eat a half a piece of gum at a time, so there are gum pieces usually floating around and sticking to things. You probably didn't need to know that.
-Big cities/going to Chicago to visit my lovely friend Amber. Chicago used to make me nervous, because it's so huge and it's scary to drive there. However, I did go visit for an extended weekend this past summer and loved it.

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