Saturday, February 19, 2011

lists and schedules and jobs without money.

i like making lists. and schedules. and plans.

sometimes it bothers me. sometimes i love it. for example: today, i have my entire day planned out to the hour. often, when i make a schedule like that, i always follow it. the part that bothers me is that i'm not very good at being spontaneous when i have a plan for the day set in my mind. i have NO problem being spontaneous if i have no plans set... but when i have a certain number of things i need to accomplish and places i want to go, i'll do it. i like crossing things off lists.

this might be why i like planning trips so much. researching and writing down where i want to go and what i want to see... planning each day. i love it. on trips, i'm better at being spontaneous because i'm always with other people. i can be flexible if other people are involved.

i also love mornings. i like setting an alarm for the weekend (so i can get stuff done). i got up at 7 today, which isn't THAT early... but it is for a Saturday. (:

question: if money didn't matter, what would you be doing for a living?

well... clearly money is not the reason why most people teach. that would be a boring answer. if i did not have a teaching job, and money didn't matter, i would:

top two:
1. be an importer for goods/crafts/art from third world countries. get to know the people there. live in their lifestyle. come back to the U.S. and sell their goods (giving them the profit back) and educate people on who is making their goods. what life is like for people in Guatemala or Kenya or wherever. host some kind of cultural gatherings for education that would have food, information, and some kind of opportunity for people to provide Kiva loans (or something similar).

2. own a boutique of handmade goods. part of the boutique is an artist work space, where community is encouraged. have "volunteer experts" give workshops on what they know: writing, drawing, painting, whatever. possibly part coffee shop. that's pushing it. but money doesn't matter, remember?!

-work for a non-profit.
-be a writer or journalist or lyricist or travel blogger or anything to do with words.
-be a waitress for a short period of time. i think it would be a good experience.
-work on a farm for a summer.
-work at a camp every single summer.
-lead backpacking trips.
-work with some type of youth program / youth group and mentor kids. maybe just be a Younglife leader for life. (:
-do something in sales. people have told me this for a while.
-teach college writing. direct a writing center at said college.

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