Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day Thirty-One: core story. snow day goals. last reverb. making earrings.

If you have the day off, what are you going to do with your day? Any goals? Just relax? (:

I know it's really bad outside, but I want to go snowshoeing right now.

I might be going to see Rocket to the Moon in L.A. I'm SUPER pumped.

This is the last Reverb questions, meaning I completed the month-long challenge to write (almost) every day. I feel accomplished. As I've mentioned before, my friend and I have a list of questions we created so we can continue writing. It probably won't be daily, but it's good for me to have writing back in my life. Even if it's just blogging. Even if no one reads it. It's good for me, and that's all I really care about. (:

Today, I made a whole bunch of earrings.

Writing Challenge Day 31
I'm doing a 31 day writing challenge, found on the Reverb website, designed to reflect on the past year and look forward to what's to come in 2011.

Core Story. What central story is at the core of you, and how do you share it with the world? 

I think my "core story" is pretty complicated, but I feel like most people feel that way. My core story is a combination of my life experiences, goals, dreams, and setbacks. My friends and family are a big part of my core story. The jobs I have, the relationships I've been in, the times I've gotten hurt... all part of my core story.

If I had to narrow it down, I think my core story has more to do with the following:
-travel / adventure
-surrounding myself with the right people
-artistic expression
-spontaneity and living life to the fullest
-idealism and crazy ideas

I share my core story in a lot of ways. I'm pretty open about some parts of my story, and pretty closed off about others. The biggest way I share my story is just through one-on-one conversations. Although I LOVE hanging out in groups and being social, nothing can replace a really great conversation with one other person. This is why I love coffee dates or lunch dates SO MUCH.

I love hearing about other peoples' "core stories,"  even more than I like talking about my own. I'm a big question asker. Sometimes it's annoying. Sometimes it's too forward. Sometimes it leads to wonderful conversations. I'm better at reading people that I used to be. I'm better at determining whether or not someone is willing to open up. I guess it's because I've had a lot of practice with working at Springhill and as a Younglife leader. Hearing "core stories" was pretty much my job.

If you want to know my "core story," just ask. It might take a few conversations or a lot of hang outs to understand, but I would love to share. At least part of it. And I would love even more to hear yours. (: I feel like every year, I am learning more and more what makes me the way that I am. I feel like my life is a big puzzle, and sometimes, I'll have this epiphany... and make connections to the past and present that explain a lot about my life.

This post was really vague. You'll just have to talk to me if you want me to explain it more. (:

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